When life goes tough, strengthen yourself in the Lord – Learn a lesson from Joseph’s journey of destiny – part 6

The role of faithfulness in the journey of destiny

As the General Manager of the company that I used to work for, one of my responsibilities was to source for customers who would be faithful in handling money to purchase cocoa produce for the company. The company has the money to loan out to customers who would judiciously utilize the money for its intention.

The process is this – the company would loan money to qualify customers based on their ability and capability. Some customers may have the capability to deliver (supply) 25MT of cocoa, while some may not be able to deliver more than 1MT. Increment on the loan was based on the rate of turnover.

If a customer were given loan to deliver 1MT of cocoa in one week and failed to deliver, such customer would be denied another loan. Increment on the loan or further advance would be denied to customers who defaulted or unfaithful to all conditions. An unfaithful customer would be denied further loan while a faithful customer would get a new loan and possibly an increase would be added to the new loan.

Before I recommend any customer for a loan at that time, I would advise the potential customer as follows,

  • “Whenever you receive your advance, make sure you use it to buy the produce for which it is intended for.
  • “Do not use the money to buy personal effects before you start to buy the produce
  • “Do not divert our money to buy produce for our competitors
  • “Make sure you deliver to time so that you can be trustworthy
  • “You may use your profit for whatever you want after you have delivered, and your account is balanced
  • Again, do not divert our money to buy produce for our competitors”

Customer’s response to this advice before they receive their loan was always, “I will not divert your money”. However, after they have received their advances, 5-10% were faithful they delivered as promised; about 20% spent their loan to buy personal effects like car; about 20% started to build houses; and more than50% diverted their money to buy produce for our competitors. At reckoning, only the few faithful ones finished the season without owing to the company.

This story is an example of the stewards in the parable of the talents (Matt. 25:14-29). The two stewards that utilized their talent faithfully were commended and given a greater responsibility or to say were given double honor (1Tim. 5:17).

Faithfulness is one of the Christian virtues that God is looking for in us. To be faithful you need to be diligent, self-controlled, consistent, and long-suffering. These qualities were evident in Joseph’s life from the time he was disrobed by his brothers to the time he was re-robed and put in charge of the economy of Egypt.

Joseph was faithful in all his ways and doings, especially in the house of Potiphar and in the prison; no wonder God committed into his hand much greater responsibility in the palace of Pharaoh. The scripture states,

“His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’(Matt. 25:21 NKJV)

Joseph is an example of a faithful steward who exhibits the highest standard of personal moral behavior even in the mist of all the odds that confronted him. He was faithful in the house of Potiphar; he was faithful in the prison and he was faithful in the handling of the economy of Egypt. The scripture states,

“Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household, to give them food [i]in due season?Blessed is that servant whom his master, when he comes, will find so doing” (Matt. 24:45-46 NKJV)

It was because Joseph was faithful that Potiphar left all he had in the house in the hand of Joseph. Joseph could have used that opportunity for his own selfish advantage, but he did not do that. He feared God, that empowered him to be diligent, self-controlled, consistent, and long-suffering. Joseph was content and did not go out of his bound.

No matter how small your responsibility may be, it is required of you to discharge it with all faithfulness. As a worker in the church, are you not coveting the pulpit as against being faithful to that, which has been committed to you? Your faithfulness is being tested while you think God is not supervising you. God cannot be fooled like the way you fooled your earthly master with eye service. Your achievement while the master was not around will testify to your faithfulness.

Be you the president of the most powerful nation in the world, the Pope, the Archbishop, General overseer of the congregation of the children of God: CEOs of big or small companies, manager, teachers, or a worker of low income; the reward or praise of your task will not be based on the largeness of your responsibility, but the result will justify how faithful you have performed even in the size of your present responsibility, small or large.

Ananias with Sapphira his wife were unfaithful to the declaration of how much they sold their piece of land. The reward of their unfaithfulness was death penalty. (Acts 5:1-11).

Whatever God has given you, whatever ability you have physically, spiritually, or material possession, use it judiciously, or else you will lose it. How faithful are you into paying your tithe? Are you not one of those who says tithe is under the law and you do not have to pay? Now that you are under grace, how faithful are you in giving to the house of God. I do not want you to be ignorant of the fact that grace should do above the law. You are not faithful because you did not fear God; you are complacent, lazy, idle, proud, covetous, greedy, envy, self-willed and worldly. In fact, your zeal is a vain type. Unfaithful Christian is an unprofitable Christian.

A judicious utilization of talent or gift edifies God and others; it should not be for selfish lust. The will of God should be priority before self-pleasing. It is rewarding (1Tim. 5:18; Lk. 10:7c).

Whatever you do, do it well to the glory of God. Joseph was obedient and humble; this helped him to respect and fear God. That been said, Joseph exhibited godly characters throughout his ordeal. He was not tired, not weary nor did he quit; but getting the best out of every moment he passed through.

Faithfulness is required of the children of God – Ministers of God, Christians in all walks of life. The Bible says, “It is required in stewards that one be found faithful (1Cor. 4:2). As a Christian, your first responsibility is to preach the gospel, how many have you converted to reciprocate for your own conversion. Are you faithful in this respect?

Joseph was faithful in a small thing, as a slave and as a prisoner, God rewarded him by committing a greater responsibility to him as second in command to Pharaoh in a strange land of Egypt. How faithful are you in what is committed into your charge?

“And if you have not been faithful in what is another man’s, who will give you what is your own? (Luke 16:12 NKJV)


  • Pray that God will grant you the Spirit of humility and obedience to obey God’s word and instruction
  • Pray for Holy Spirit empowerment to fear God and make His will your priority
  • Pray for Holy Spirit cleansing of your heart to help you desist from any act of unfaithfulness that can cost you your destiny
  • Pray for grace to be content in every situation you may be passing through in the journey of your destiny.
  • Pray for grace to be diligent in carrying out your responsibilities without any lapses
  • Pray for grace to be consistent in performing your duty rightly all the time
  • Pray for the Spirit of self-control to help you not to fall into the devil’s trap
  • Pray for grace to bear and endure during temptation while waiting for God to provide a way out of that temptation.
  • Pray for grace not to slack in what has been committed to your charge
  • Pray for grace to perform your best and be found faithful in all your doings
  • Pray that God will help you to fulfill your purpose on according to His good purpose.

By Lawrence Abitogun
