Prayer bulletin for year 2022
Human sinfulness has caused catastrophes in the world today than ever. Human beings make attempt daily to liberate themselves from the rule of the kingdom of God. The more they tried to, the more unprecedented evils occurred. The word of God is Yea and Amen. The word of God written 8000 years ago has come to be more revealed in the present jet age than ever. The Scripture states,
“Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Gen. 6:5 NKJV)
This is very true; every inclination of human thought was evil all the time. They have refused to love God, they have refused to follow His ways, they have refused to retain God in their knowledge and thoughts, they have refused to obey His commandments, they have not loved their neighbors; rather, they effect their evil imaginations that brought evils they cannot control on them. The Scripture states.
“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting;being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers,backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them” (Rom. 1:28-32).
Besides the fact that the heart of human being is wicked, their inventions make it even worse. Science and technology that supposed to enhance our safe habitation on earth has created a system that brings social chaos, confusion, and unrighteous enjoyment that denies godly living. To worsen these ungodly activities and behaviors, Christians, especially their leaders, approve those who practice these unrighteous “Norms”
Human beings now rely so much on the so-called technology and civilization advancement (social media, political affiliations, gender identity, wealth, fame etc.), they are their gods and their priorities. Human beings have been enticed away and play the harlotry and turn against God, they worship their inventions now and forget their Creator.
Human being has grieved God
The world has become the place of survival of the fittest and of the powerful people. Human inventions turned to be weapons of mass destruction to other human beings. Money, power, and position rule the world as against the kingdom rule. The fruit of the Spirits, morality, decency, godliness, righteousness, and truth are at the verge of extinction. Many vocabularies have been redefined to suit their evil purpose.
Human beings are drifting away daily from God, the more they drift away, the more problems and unprecedented evils they invite on themselves. What is the result of this human independence from the Kingdom’s rules? Human hatred toward God and other human beings.
Money rules the world
Quest for money has enslaved human beings. Rulers are power drunk, and they enslaved other human beings. Position have been abused to enslave and oppressed the powerless. The wise of this world are ignorant of the wiles of the devil; they have been blinded by money and their inventions, not knowing that the devil will trap and destroy them by what they have made.
Healthwise, human beings live at the mercy of the pharmaceutical companies, the insurance companies, medical Doctors clinics and hospitals, NRA, Technology companies etc. These companies don’t care if you live well or not; all they care for is to wring and sap you of every penny you have.
So, brethren, what is the way forward in year 2022 to avoid these evils that human being have invited upon themselves? LOVE GOD MORE. The reference Scripture for this year prayer bulletin will be Psalm 91. The passage reveals to us the evils that occur to human being from time to time. At the same time, it reveals to us the remedy and how to escape from being hurt by those evils. The Psalm shows that evils occurred moment by moment, second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, and so on throughout a life circle. Let the kingdom of God rules, rule your life this year because every day is full of its own evil. (Matt. 6:34; Eph. 5:15-16).
How is the year going to be? Just like any other years. There would be storms (from personal, spiritual, physical, and natural challenges) and there would be deliverance as well. No matter how dangerous a storm may be, even in the storm, amid this troubling world today, children of God would be delivered.
When you hear the rumor of evil occurrence during the year, being breaking news, outbreak of disease (pandemic or epidemic), active shooter, war, natural disasters (tornedo, hurricane, tsunami, earthquake etc.); do not panic, stay where you are, fix your eyes on the Lord; He will uphold you and cover you with His Feathers (under His protection in His presence).
In a situation where personal issues weighs you down, do not be troubled, put your story on hold and clinch to God first, then follow Holy Spirit directive on what step to take; then cheer up, deliverance will come (Ps. 121).
Psalm 91 gives us the assurance of our deliverance amid any evil, however what must we do? How do we love God more? Three things we must do
There is the need to stay in the presence of the Lord in year 2022. Why must you dwell in His presence? It is the only place of safety, the place of protection, and the place of security. In the presence of God, you are covered and protected from any invading trouble. However, you must trust in God that He is your refuge and fortress and that, He built His hedge to protect you from any evil. Therefore, no onslaught or assault of the evil one meant to hit you will prosper.
The benefit of staying in His secret place is to protect and save you from the,
Your faith and trust in God are your confidence that God will deliver you, because faithful is our God who will do as He has promised.
The Old Testament instructed us to remain in the city of refuge for safety to avoid the avenger of blood, and to avoid being caught by the devil again after you have been saved. The Scripture states that the avenger of blood is the one who execute judgment on the sinner; however, he will not touch anyone who is not a sinner. The Bible says our adversary; the devil is looking for who to devour (1pet.5:8). Therefore, satan is the avenger of blood. The good news is that Christ came that we might have life abundantly.
Today, Christian’s city of refuge is their re-birth. You need to walk in newness of life: A life devoid of sin and all unrighteousness. If you remain in the faith and trusting God, you are safe from any evil that may come during the year. The Scripture states
“… for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 3:22-24),
Thanks be to God for the grace we received through Jesus Christ that saved us. However, we must remain in Christ to be fully covered. We must remain steadfast in the Lord, fear Him, obey His Commandment, and doing His will. The Scripture states
“But if the manslayer (you seeking refuge from calamities of this world) at any time goes outside the limits of the city of refuge (Jesus Christ) where he fled, and the avenger of blood finds him/her outside the limits of his city of refuge, and the avenger of blood kills the manslayer (perpetual sinner), he shall not be guilty of blood,because he should have remained in his city of refuge until the death of the high priest. But after the death of the high priest the manslayer may return to the land of his possession” (Num. 35:26-28).
Jesus Christ, our High Priest, never dies, but lives forever (Heb. 6:17-20; 7:23-28; 8:1-2). He is sinless and had atoned for our sin once and for all and He has forgiven our sins if we remain in Him. We are protected from the avenger of blood (from those evils that may surface during the year). But we must remain permanently in the presence of God.
Today, a backsliding Christian is someone without the city of refuge, he/she runs in and out of the presence of God. He/she does things of his/her own will instead of doing the will of God. Backsliding leaves a person callous towards the work of God; he is therefore prone to attract the avenger of blood. The Scripture states,
“Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remained in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God” (1Jn. 3:9).
Are you truly born-again? If so, you are totally free from the onslaught of the devil.
When you remain permanently in the presence of God, you enjoy more benefits than when you are not permanently under Him. More of those benefits are,
To set your love on God is to fear Him and obey His commandment. His commandment is to love God and your neighbor (Eccl. 12:13). You cannot love God and not love your neighbor; likewise, you cannot love your neighbor and not love God, you must fulfill both.
I am very sure you need more than protection from God this year. Setting your love on Him gives you more benefits, and the goodness of God roundabout in your life. God is not just going to deliver you, He will
Brethren, to receive all these benefits in year 2022, you must be faithful in doing what you must do to keep you in His presence permanently and set your love on Him. Then, the goodness of God will start falling in pleasant places for you. (Ps. 16:5-8)
My prayer for you is that you will not be a victim of all the plans of the devil in year 2022.
Why must you love God more?
- He is your Creator, the custodian of all that you are – Jn. 15:5-8
- He is A covenant keeper with those who continue wholeheartedly in His ways – Deut. 7:9
- His plans for you are for good, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. (Jer. 29:11).
- He has been faithful to deliver His promises – 1Thess. 5:24
- He has protected you to this day; no evil has been able to overcome you – Heb. 10:22-23
- He provided for your needs during the world’s shortages of necessities
- He is a compassionate and merciful and forgiving God
- He is a loving God; slow to anger and abounding in love.
How do you love God and remain in His presence this year?
- Develop an intimate love relationship with God. Keep yourself in the love of God – Jude 1:21.
- Think about Him. The more you think about Him, the more you fall in love with Him.
- Make God first in all decisions you make.
- spending time in His presence, enjoying His nearness,
- do not turn away from the Lord. Do not ally yourself with those who do not believe in your God
- Fear God – there is the need to reverence God more. How? The Scripture states “‘By those who come near Me, I must be regarded as holy; And before all the people, I must be glorified” (Lev. 10:3). As Christians, let’s (1) keep ourselves holy because we come before a Holy God. (2) Christians should not display anything that will not glorify God
- Subject your spirit, soul and body under the power and control of the Holy Spirit. “Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind” (Matt. 22:37), and with all your “strength” (Lk. 10:27)
- Love others as yourself (Matt. 22:39; 1 John 4:7–11; John 15:12)
- Walk in obedience to His commandments
- listening to His voice, reading His Word, and daily seeking to know Him better.
- Long for things of God, choose to do everything out of love for Him
- delighting in praise and worship of Him
- Love God with all you are and everything you have to offer. Be committed to doing the things of God.
- Do not conform to the “Norms) of this world, they drift a Christian away from God
- Forgive others who have wronged you
- Pray, praise, and worship God in spirit and in truth (John 4:23).
- Be a Giver; do charitable work – Jn. 21:15
Conclusion – in year 2022
Do not be anxious about anything, and do not be troubled by anything. Do not fear because of any seen and unseen scary bad news, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Phi. 4:6-7)
Remember, the Lord is your shepherd – He will protect you; He will provide for you, He will restore your hope; He is your comforter and your glory; He honors you; He is your guide and guard. With all these benefits, what must you do? The Psalmist said, “I will dwell in the presence of God for ever and ever” (Ps. 23)
- Magnify the Lord for Who He is and for the works of His hand – praise His holy name in psalms and with praise worship.
- Thank the Lord for His goodness and His activities in your life in the past to this day, for
- The gift of life, physical and spiritual blessings, and endowments.
- Protection, deliverance, and safety from evil.
- Provision, promotion, and divine attractions,
- Victory over sin and its power; seen and unforeseen evils etc.
- Your sin will not spill over into the new year; therefore, Acknowledge, confess, and repent of your sins. Pray for
- Mercy to overturn every judgment and penalty caused by your sin
- Forgiveness of any wrongdoing.
- Purging of your body and soul from any defilement
- A refreshing time from the presence of the Lord (Acts 3:19).
- Pray for sanctification to start the new year afresh in preparation for the challenges ahead – pray for,
- Cleansing and purification by the blood of Christ
- Spiritual washing and divine transformation
- The Spirit and the word of God to sanctify and enlighten your knowledge
- You need to rededicate your life by having a fresh relationship with God; therefore, pray for newness of life – that,
- God will recreate you anew
- The spirit of God will rest upon your life
- The power of God will be upon your life
- The glory of God will manifest in your life
- The strength of God will be sufficient to carry you through the new year
- The journey in the new year is what no one has travel before; therefore, you need Holy Spirit empowerment to lead you through – pray for
- Spiritual lead, spiritual guidance, and spiritual eye to prevent you from stumbling.
- Wisdom, knowledge, understanding and discernment to enable you to succeed
- Spiritual strength, spiritual gifts, and spiritual empowerment, to keep you going
- Spiritual revival for your soul diet and fruitfulness
- You need grace and Holy Spirit empowerment to overcome any personal spiritual, physical, emotional, or mental problem that may hinder or stand in your way to love God the more – therefore, pray against:
- Sin, power of sin and manifestation of sin
- Power that triggers and compel you to sin,
- Power of temptations, presumptuous sin, and defilement
- Flesh, carnality and all those things which work against the will of God.
- lust and every desire that is not in the will of God
- Grace was given to us through Christ to enable us to do those things that seem to be difficult to do humanly – therefore,pray for grace
- To love God and know Him more this year
- To dwell in the secret place (presence) of the Most High this year and beyond
- To dwell permanently in the presence of God this year and beyond
- To set your love on God this year and beyond
- To retain God in your knowledge and seek God first in all our decisions
- To position yourself in the place of divine attraction to receive God’s blessings
- To make your life a fragrance of good aroma that will please the Lord this year
- To fix your eyes on the Lord when you are faced with any challenge this year
- To maintain your continuous dwelling in the presence of God.
- To walk in obedience to God’s words, and directives
- To hold fast unto God, that you will not be distracted by evil attraction that may send you out of His presence
- To serve God with your whole heart, soul and body.
- To love your neighbor as yourself and to share your blessing with others
- Prayers for the manifestation of the promises of God if we dwell in the presence of God this year – Pray for deliverance and protection from,
- Snare of the devil – against mistakes, errors, or wrong doings
- Perilous pestilence – evil orchestrated by man and nature
- Terror by night – men and women of the underworld
- Arrow that flies by day – Evil imaginations executed via diverse means.
- Pestilence that walks in darkness – pandemics, epidemic, sicknesses
- Destruction that lays waste at noonday – natural disasters, accidents
- Human agents of the devil that hurts people – Homicides, genocides, Active shooters
- Prayers for the manifestation of the promises of God for dwelling permanently in the presence of God this year. Decree and declare for yourself,
- No evil will befall you
- No plague (pandemic or pestilence} will come near you, your family or your loved one
- Guiding and guarding angels will keep you in your ways
- You will not stumble
- Protection against the dangerous and powerful of the world.
- Prayers for the manifestation of the promises of God when you set your love on God this year. Let God in His faithfulness,
- Sets you on high – you will be head and not tail
- Hear you when you call on Him
- Be with you in trouble
- Honor you
- Satisfy you with long life
- Show you His salvation
- Pray for grace to grow your faith through the word of God – pray that
- God will sanctify your ears to hear only the word of God that will edify you
- God will sanctify your mouth to speak what will edify others and yourself
- God will grant you power to pursue sound word of God through studying and meditating on the word always
- Holy Spirit will help you to put the word of God into action, let people you come across in all walks of life read the word in your conversation.
- Grace will help you to change and turn from any evil
- Grace to stand right and be steadfast in faith to withstand every opposing force that stands against the word of God to manifest in your life.
- General prayers – pray that,
- The Lord will give you counsel as to what to do throughout the new year.
- God will prevent you from taking the wrong step at any time of the year
- The Lord will keep you in perfect peace throughout the year, Is. 26:3
- The Holy Spirit will empower you to do the right thing and to refrain from doing the wrong thing this year
- God will deliver you from catastrophes and unprecedented evil that may occur this year
- God will guide your heart from debase mind and you will not engage in any unrighteous norms of this world
- God will help you to overcome all challenges that may come your way this
- You will not stumble, Ps 119:165
- God will prevent you from conforming to the ways of the world
- You will not lay your hand on anything that will grieve God
- The stretched hand of the Almighty will deliver you from any king of bondage you are in or which you may find yourself this year.
- God will make your home and all that pertains to you the land of Goshen; He will exempt you from all evils
- God will heal you and deliver you from the source of anything that causes bitterness in your life
- Divine salt from the throne of grace will be poured into your life, and you will not experience bitterness this year.
- As the axe head was lifted from the water, everything you have lost before this year will be restored back to you supernaturally.
- No affliction, suffering, sorrow, pains, evil occurrence of the past will rise to afflict you again – Nahum 1:9
- God will wash and cleanse you by the blood of Jesus from the consequence of every ungodly act of the past
- In the journey of year 2022, God will remove all barriers that may hinder you from achieving your goal.
- You and your family will not share in the wrath of God as you see what is happening concerning the Covid-19, Delta variant, Omicron virus that is killing people today
- God will release to you treasures in darkness and riches in secret places which belongs to you that the enemy is hiding from you.
- God will crush every power that will cause the following evils in your life – hardship, poverty, sickness, suffering, difficulties/problems, delay, procrastination, limitation, failure, wrong decision, or family problem.
- Holy Spirit will sever you from anything that will distract you from focusing on doing what will help you to achieve your goal
- You will be fruitful in all areas of your endeavors – Spiritual and physical. Fruitfulness; increase in business, success in school and career, and breakthrough in all undertakings.
- The Lord will make you a useful vessel to do His work, both is the house of God and every environment you find yourself.
- The desire of your soul according to the will of God will be met.
- God will strengthen you in all areas of your weaknesses to function well in those areas that you are lacking.
- The Lord will help you to hate all worldly activities that will hinder you from putting your utmost strength in performing excellently in all your responsibility
- God will grant you a prudent heart to acquire knowledge.
- God will grant and empower you with uncommon strategy and spirit of excellence that will make stand out above your contemporaries.
- You will run the race in year 2022 with strength from above, you will not be tired nor wearied throughout.
- You will run your race successfully to the end of the year
- You will accomplish all your expectations according to the purpose of God for your life in the new year
Ask all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
Happy New Year
By Lawrence Abitogun