The Lord is your Shepherd; Love God more in year 2022

Prayer bulletin for year 2022

Human sinfulness has caused catastrophes in the world today than ever. Human beings make attempt daily to liberate themselves from the rule of the kingdom of God. The more they tried to, the more unprecedented evils occurred. The word of God is Yea and Amen. The word of God written 8000 years ago has come to be more revealed in the present jet age than ever. The Scripture states,

Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Gen. 6:5 NKJV)

This is very true; every inclination of human thought was evil all the time. They have refused to love God, they have refused to follow His ways, they have refused to retain God in their knowledge and thoughts, they have refused to obey His commandments, they have not loved their neighbors; rather, they effect their evil imaginations that brought evils they cannot control on them. The Scripture states.

“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting;being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers,backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them” (Rom. 1:28-32).

Besides the fact that the heart of human being is wicked, their inventions make it even worse. Science and technology that supposed to enhance our safe habitation on earth has created a system that brings social chaos, confusion, and unrighteous enjoyment that denies godly living. To worsen these ungodly activities and behaviors, Christians, especially their leaders, approve those who practice these unrighteous “Norms”

Human beings now rely so much on the so-called technology and civilization advancement (social media, political affiliations, gender identity, wealth, fame etc.), they are their gods and their priorities. Human beings have been enticed away and play the harlotry and turn against God, they worship their inventions now and forget their Creator.

Human being has grieved God

The world has become the place of survival of the fittest and of the powerful people. Human inventions turned to be weapons of mass destruction to other human beings. Money, power, and position rule the world as against the kingdom rule. The fruit of the Spirits, morality, decency, godliness, righteousness, and truth are at the verge of extinction. Many vocabularies have been redefined to suit their evil purpose.

Human beings are drifting away daily from God, the more they drift away, the more problems and unprecedented evils they invite on themselves. What is the result of this human independence from the Kingdom’s rules? Human hatred toward God and other human beings.

Money rules the world

Quest for money has enslaved human beings. Rulers are power drunk, and they enslaved other human beings. Position have been abused to enslave and oppressed the powerless. The wise of this world are ignorant of the wiles of the devil; they have been blinded by money and their inventions, not knowing that the devil will trap and destroy them by what they have made.

Healthwise, human beings live at the mercy of the pharmaceutical companies, the insurance companies, medical Doctors clinics and hospitals, NRA, Technology companies etc. These companies don’t care if you live well or not; all they care for is to wring and sap you of every penny you have.

So, brethren, what is the way forward in year 2022 to avoid these evils that human being have invited upon themselves? LOVE GOD MORE. The reference Scripture for this year prayer bulletin will be Psalm 91. The passage reveals to us the evils that occur to human being from time to time. At the same time, it reveals to us the remedy and how to escape from being hurt by those evils. The Psalm shows that evils occurred moment by moment, second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, and so on throughout a life circle. Let the kingdom of God rules, rule your life this year because every day is full of its own evil. (Matt. 6:34; Eph. 5:15-16).

Love God more in year 2022

How is the year going to be? Just like any other years. There would be storms (from personal, spiritual, physical, and natural challenges) and there would be deliverance as well. No matter how dangerous a storm may be, even in the storm, amid this troubling world today, children of God would be delivered.

When you hear the rumor of evil occurrence during the year, being breaking news, outbreak of disease (pandemic or epidemic), active shooter, war, natural disasters (tornedo, hurricane, tsunami, earthquake etc.); do not panic, stay where you are, fix your eyes on the Lord; He will uphold you and cover you with His Feathers (under His protection in His presence).

In a situation where personal issues weighs you down, do not be troubled, put your story on hold and clinch to God first, then follow Holy Spirit directive on what step to take; then cheer up, deliverance will come (Ps. 121).

 Psalm 91 gives us the assurance of our deliverance amid any evil, however what must we do? How do we love God more? Three things we must do

There is the need to stay in the presence of the Lord in year 2022. Why must you dwell in His presence? It is the only place of safety, the place of protection, and the place of security. In the presence of God, you are covered and protected from any invading trouble. However, you must trust in God that He is your refuge and fortress and that, He built His hedge to protect you from any evil. Therefore, no onslaught or assault of the evil one meant to hit you will prosper.

The benefit of staying in His secret place is to protect and save you from the,

Your faith and trust in God are your confidence that God will deliver you, because faithful is our God who will do as He has promised.

The Old Testament instructed us to remain in the city of refuge for safety to avoid the avenger of blood, and to avoid being caught by the devil again after you have been saved. The Scripture states that the avenger of blood is the one who execute judgment on the sinner; however, he will not touch anyone who is not a sinner. The Bible says our adversary; the devil is looking for who to devour (1pet.5:8). Therefore, satan is the avenger of blood. The good news is that Christ came that we might have life abundantly.

Today, Christian’s city of refuge is their re-birth. You need to walk in newness of life: A life devoid of sin and all unrighteousness. If you remain in the faith and trusting God, you are safe from any evil that may come during the year. The Scripture states

“… for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 3:22-24),

Thanks be to God for the grace we received through Jesus Christ that saved us. However, we must remain in Christ to be fully covered. We must remain steadfast in the Lord, fear Him, obey His Commandment, and doing His will. The Scripture states

“But if the manslayer (you seeking refuge from calamities of this world) at any time goes outside the limits of the city of refuge (Jesus Christ) where he fled, and the avenger of blood finds him/her outside the limits of his city of refuge, and the avenger of blood kills the manslayer (perpetual sinner), he shall not be guilty of blood,because he should have remained in his city of refuge until the death of the high priest. But after the death of the high priest the manslayer may return to the land of his possession” (Num. 35:26-28).

Jesus Christ, our High Priest, never dies, but lives forever (Heb. 6:17-20; 7:23-28; 8:1-2). He is sinless and had atoned for our sin once and for all and He has forgiven our sins if we remain in Him. We are protected from the avenger of blood (from those evils that may surface during the year). But we must remain permanently in the presence of God.

Today, a backsliding Christian is someone without the city of refuge, he/she runs in and out of the presence of God. He/she does things of his/her own will instead of doing the will of God. Backsliding leaves a person callous towards the work of God; he is therefore prone to attract the avenger of blood. The Scripture states,

“Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remained in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God” (1Jn. 3:9).

Are you truly born-again? If so, you are totally free from the onslaught of the devil.

When you remain permanently in the presence of God, you enjoy more benefits than when you are not permanently under Him. More of those benefits are,

To set your love on God is to fear Him and obey His commandment. His commandment is to love God and your neighbor (Eccl. 12:13). You cannot love God and not love your neighbor; likewise, you cannot love your neighbor and not love God, you must fulfill both.

I am very sure you need more than protection from God this year. Setting your love on Him gives you more benefits, and the goodness of God roundabout in your life. God is not just going to deliver you, He will

Brethren, to receive all these benefits in year 2022, you must be faithful in doing what you must do to keep you in His presence permanently and set your love on Him. Then, the goodness of God will start falling in pleasant places for you. (Ps. 16:5-8)

My prayer for you is that you will not be a victim of all the plans of the devil in year 2022.

Why must you love God more?

  • He is your Creator, the custodian of all that you are – Jn. 15:5-8
  • He is A covenant keeper with those who continue wholeheartedly in His ways – Deut. 7:9
  • His plans for you are for good, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. (Jer. 29:11).
  • He has been faithful to deliver His promises – 1Thess. 5:24
  • He has protected you to this day; no evil has been able to overcome you – Heb. 10:22-23
  • He provided for your needs during the world’s shortages of necessities
  • He is a compassionate and merciful and forgiving God
  • He is a loving God; slow to anger and abounding in love.

How do you love God and remain in His presence this year?

  • Develop an intimate love relationship with God. Keep yourself in the love of God – Jude 1:21.
  • Think about Him. The more you think about Him, the more you fall in love with Him.
  • Make God first in all decisions you make.
  • spending time in His presence, enjoying His nearness,
  • do not turn away from the Lord. Do not ally yourself with those who do not believe in your God
  • Fear God – there is the need to reverence God more. How? The Scripture states “‘By those who come near Me, I must be regarded as holy; And before all the people, I must be glorified” (Lev. 10:3). As Christians, let’s (1) keep ourselves holy because we come before a Holy God. (2) Christians should not display anything that will not glorify God
  • Subject your spirit, soul and body under the power and control of the Holy Spirit. “Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind” (Matt. 22:37), and with all your “strength” (Lk. 10:27)
  • Love others as yourself (Matt. 22:39; 1 John 4:7–11; John 15:12)
  • Walk in obedience to His commandments
  • listening to His voice, reading His Word, and daily seeking to know Him better.
  • Long for things of God, choose to do everything out of love for Him
  • delighting in praise and worship of Him
  •  Love God with all you are and everything you have to offer. Be committed to doing the things of God.
  • Do not conform to the “Norms) of this world, they drift a Christian away from God
  • Forgive others who have wronged you
  • Pray, praise, and worship God in spirit and in truth (John 4:23).
  • Be a Giver; do charitable work – Jn. 21:15

Conclusion – in year 2022

Do not be anxious about anything, and do not be troubled by anything. Do not fear because of any seen and unseen scary bad news, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Phi. 4:6-7)

Remember, the Lord is your shepherd – He will protect you; He will provide for you, He will restore your hope; He is your comforter and your glory; He honors you; He is your guide and guard. With all these benefits, what must you do? The Psalmist said, “I will dwell in the presence of God for ever and ever” (Ps. 23)


  • Magnify the Lord for Who He is and for the works of His hand – praise His holy name in psalms and with praise worship.
  • Thank the Lord for His goodness and His activities in your life in the past to this day, for
    • The gift of life, physical and spiritual blessings, and endowments.
    • Protection, deliverance, and safety from evil.
    • Provision, promotion, and divine attractions,
    • Victory over sin and its power; seen and unforeseen evils etc.
  • Your sin will not spill over into the new year; therefore, Acknowledge, confess, and repent of your sins. Pray for
    •  Mercy to overturn every judgment and penalty caused by your sin
    • Forgiveness of any wrongdoing.
    • Purging of your body and soul from any defilement
    • A refreshing time from the presence of the Lord (Acts 3:19).
  • Pray for sanctification to start the new year afresh in preparation for the challenges ahead – pray for,
    • Cleansing and purification by the blood of Christ
    • Spiritual washing and divine transformation
    • The Spirit and the word of God to sanctify and enlighten your knowledge
  • You need to rededicate your life by having a fresh relationship with God; therefore, pray for newness of life – that,
    • God will recreate you anew
    • The spirit of God will rest upon your life
    • The power of God will be upon your life
    • The glory of God will manifest in your life
    • The strength of God will be sufficient to carry you through the new year
  • The journey in the new year is what no one has travel before; therefore, you need Holy Spirit empowerment to lead you through – pray for
    • Spiritual lead, spiritual guidance, and spiritual eye to prevent you from stumbling.
    • Wisdom, knowledge, understanding and discernment to enable you to succeed
    • Spiritual strength, spiritual gifts, and spiritual empowerment, to keep you going
    • Spiritual revival for your soul diet and fruitfulness
  • You need grace and Holy Spirit empowerment to overcome any personal spiritual, physical, emotional, or mental problem that may hinder or stand in your way to love God the more – therefore, pray against:
    • Sin, power of sin and manifestation of sin
    • Power that triggers and compel you to sin,
    • Power of temptations, presumptuous sin, and defilement
    • Flesh, carnality and all those things which work against the will of God.
    •  lust and every desire that is not in the will of God
  •  Grace was given to us through Christ to enable us to do those things that seem to be difficult to do humanlytherefore,pray for grace
    • To love God and know Him more this year
    • To dwell in the secret place (presence) of the Most High this year and beyond
    • To dwell permanently in the presence of God this year and beyond
    • To set your love on God this year and beyond
    • To retain God in your knowledge and seek God first in all our decisions
    • To position yourself in the place of divine attraction to receive God’s blessings
    • To make your life a fragrance of good aroma that will please the Lord this year
    • To fix your eyes on the Lord when you are faced with any challenge this year
    • To maintain your continuous dwelling in the presence of God.
    • To walk in obedience to God’s words, and directives
    • To hold fast unto God, that you will not be distracted by evil attraction that may send you out of His presence
    • To serve God with your whole heart, soul and body.
    • To love your neighbor as yourself and to share your blessing with others
  • Prayers for the manifestation of the promises of God if we dwell in the presence of God this year – Pray for deliverance and protection from,
    • Snare of the devil – against mistakes, errors, or wrong doings
    • Perilous pestilence – evil orchestrated by man and nature
    • Terror by night – men and women of the underworld
    • Arrow that flies by day – Evil imaginations executed via diverse means.
    • Pestilence that walks in darkness – pandemics, epidemic, sicknesses
    • Destruction that lays waste at noonday – natural disasters, accidents
    • Human agents of the devil that hurts people – Homicides, genocides, Active shooters 
  • Prayers for the manifestation of the promises of God for dwelling permanently in the presence of God this year. Decree and declare for yourself,
    • No evil will befall you
    • No plague (pandemic or pestilence} will come near you, your family or your loved one
    • Guiding and guarding angels will keep you in your ways
    • You will not stumble
    • Protection against the dangerous and powerful of the world.
  • Prayers for the manifestation of the promises of God when you set your love on God this year. Let God in His faithfulness,
  • Sets you on high – you will be head and not tail
  • Hear you when you call on Him
  • Be with you in trouble
  • Honor you
  • Satisfy you with long life
  • Show you His salvation
  • Pray for grace to grow your faith through the word of God – pray that
    • God will sanctify your ears to hear only the word of God that will edify you
    • God will sanctify your mouth to speak what will edify others and yourself
    • God will grant you power to pursue sound word of God through studying and meditating on the word always
    • Holy Spirit will help you to put the word of God into action, let people you come across in all walks of life read the word in your conversation.
    • Grace will help you to change and turn from any evil
    • Grace to stand right and be steadfast in faith to withstand every opposing force that stands against the word of God to manifest in your life.
  • General prayers – pray that,
    • The Lord will give you counsel as to what to do throughout the new year.
    • God will prevent you from taking the wrong step at any time of the year
    • The Lord will keep you in perfect peace throughout the year, Is. 26:3
    • The Holy Spirit will empower you to do the right thing and to refrain from doing the wrong thing this year
    • God will deliver you from catastrophes and unprecedented evil that may occur this year
    • God will guide your heart from debase mind and you will not engage in any unrighteous norms of this world
    • God will help you to overcome all challenges that may come your way this
    • You will not stumble, Ps 119:165
    • God will prevent you from conforming to the ways of the world
    • You will not lay your hand on anything that will grieve God
    • The stretched hand of the Almighty will deliver you from any king of bondage you are in or which you may find yourself this year.
    • God will make your home and all that pertains to you the land of Goshen; He will exempt you from all evils
    • God will heal you and deliver you from the source of anything that causes bitterness in your life
    • Divine salt from the throne of grace will be poured into your life, and you will not experience bitterness this year.
    • As the axe head was lifted from the water, everything you have lost before this year will be restored back to you supernaturally.
    • No affliction, suffering, sorrow, pains, evil occurrence of the past will rise to afflict you again – Nahum 1:9
    • God will wash and cleanse you by the blood of Jesus from the consequence of every ungodly act of the past
    • In the journey of year 2022, God will remove all barriers that may hinder you from achieving your goal.
    • You and your family will not share in the wrath of God as you see what is happening concerning the Covid-19, Delta variant, Omicron virus that is killing people today
    • God will release to you treasures in darkness and riches in secret places which belongs to you that the enemy is hiding from you.
    • God will crush every power that will cause the following evils in your life – hardship, poverty, sickness, suffering, difficulties/problems, delay, procrastination, limitation, failure, wrong decision, or family problem.
    • Holy Spirit will sever you from anything that will distract you from focusing on doing what will help you to achieve your goal
    • You will be fruitful in all areas of your endeavors – Spiritual and physical. Fruitfulness; increase in business, success in school and career, and breakthrough in all undertakings.
    • The Lord will make you a useful vessel to do His work, both is the house of God and every environment you find yourself.
    • The desire of your soul according to the will of God will be met.
    • God will strengthen you in all areas of your weaknesses to function well in those areas that you are lacking.
    • The Lord will help you to hate all worldly activities that will hinder you from putting your utmost strength in performing excellently in all your responsibility
    • God will grant you a prudent heart to acquire knowledge.
    • God will grant and empower you with uncommon strategy and spirit of excellence that will make stand out above your contemporaries.
    • You will run the race in year 2022 with strength from above, you will not be tired nor wearied throughout.
    • You will run your race successfully to the end of the year
    • You will accomplish all your expectations according to the purpose of God for your life in the new year

Ask all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

Happy New Year

By Lawrence Abitogun

Does being a Christian exempt you from obeying the law of the land?

Disobedience is unfaithfulness, either to your belief or to the law of the land. Divine law (God given law) governs Christianity. Most governing laws of the land take their root or borrow from divine laws. In most cases, divine law hardly contradicts the law of the land.

The scripture states

“Let every soul be subject unto the government authority. For there is no   authority but of God: the authorities that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resists the authorities resists the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation (Rom. 13:1-2).

All believers are responsible to obey the law of the land except when it becomes sinful to do so. Where there seems to be a conflict, a Christian should obey God’s law. Besides, whoever violates any of the laws of the land will pay the penalty.


Should a Christian take part in a riot? Should a Christian participate in peaceful protest because the law permits peaceful protest? When peaceful protest turns to violent protest, that situation calls for any Christian in that protest to withdraw. Why? Rioting is against the law of the land. As Christians if you partake in any riot, you are risking your life, you are disobeying the law, and you will pay the penalty if arrested.

Should a Christian drive pass the speed limit because he/she don’t want to be late for an appointment? No, do not be surprised, I have seen and heard of many men of God pulled over and given a ticket for speeding because they don’t want to be late for a missionary appointment. Were the police wicked for giving him a ticket? No, the police are doing their job.

Hence, the scripture states,

“For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.Therefore, you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience’ sake (Rom. 13:3-5).

The man of God should have planned his trip putting all factors into consideration to make sure he would’ve arrived for his appointment without violating any law.

Case study

A man came to me sometimes ago; he claimed to be born again and wanted to know whether what the Lord Jesus said, that “… Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s …” (Matt. 22:21) applies to bribing one’s way if caught in any violation.

He said, “the law of the land does not permit the transportation of any produce across a state boundary after 7 pm. Any vehicle caught violating this law would be impounded. The vehicle would not be released until the driver had paid the due fine for that violation”.

He however said that some drivers violated this law and get away with it by bribing the law enforcement officers. He was caught violating this law; he wanted to know as a Christian if he could bribe the law enforcement officers that his vehicle would not be impounded.

My response

Being a Christian doesn’t exempt you from obeying the law of the land

As a Christian, you cannot bribe. The fact that the world is doing it does not give you the license to disobey God’s law and the law of the land. If the law enforcement officer does not catch you, you will still be guilty before our omniscient and omnipresent God. To worsen the situation, if you are caught, you will be guilty and charged with Carrying produce after 7 pm. If you try to induce an officer with bribe, that is another offense against God’s commandment and against the law of the land. You will suffer as a criminal.

The scripture states,

“But let none of you suffer as a murderer, a thief, an evildoer, or as a busybody in other people’s matters. Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matte (1Pet.4:15-17).

As Christian, 3 things you can do in this situation.

  1. Plan your journey properly so that you will be able to make it to your destination before 7pm, all things being equal.
  2. In case there is a mechanical breakdown or emergency, explain your situation to the law enforcement officer. If he accepted your excuse, good; if not, let him impound your vehicle and redeem it the following day. In that way, you wouldn’t have to bribe whereby you are disobeying God’s law and the law of the land.
  3. If you know you won’t make it to your destination before 7pm, stay the night in your point of origin or nearest town before 7pm and continue your journey the next day.

The Bible condemns bribery. If you bribe, you have disobeyed God’s law; you have denied your faith: and you are a sinner. The law of the land does not contradict the Law of God; therefore, if you have violated the law of the land, you are a transgressor.

Give what is Caesar to Caesar

“Give what is Caesar to Caesar” is not to pay the devil with our good substance, but rather, do what is right and obey the law of the land, because the law protects us. We should not be ignorant of the law of the land; they are not against the Christian belief.

With the above scenario, as a Christian, you do good if after being caught after 7pm, you stay at the law enforcement station until daybreak, pay your fine and continue your journey the following day. But if you are bent on continuing your journey that night, then you must be ready to give what is due to Caesar. That is, you must bribe your way to continue your journey that night.

However, if it happens that you are bribing a law-abiding officer, you are in for trouble. He is going to charge you for bribery. You will pay the fine for carrying produce after 7pm, you will be charged for bribery, and you will sin against the Law of God.

I am not saying you can not get away with bribery, but it is wrong to do so. If you keep bribing each time you break the law, it becomes a habit, that is the beginning of spiritual backwardness. It sets the stage for backsliding. It takes the grace of God to redeem yourself from such a habit.  Don’t you know that sin begat sin? Do not suffer as a sinner.

Disobedience is unfaithfulness to the covenant of God. Disobedience reflects people’s evil heart and character. Christians are not exempted from obeying the law of the land if it doesn’t contradict the law of God.

By Lawrence abitogun OR

A call for Christians to awake from their slumber

This is a clarion call to all Christians all over the world to wake up from their spiritual slumber; especially, Christian denominational (Catholic, Protestants, Orthodox, Evangelical etc.) leaders who are twisting the word of God to conform to the norms of the world. There is the need to unite once again and win this world for Christ. There is the need for revival and the revival should start from within individual Christians. The world cannot have peace until Christians go out there to let the world know the will of God for their existence through a sincere display of their faith and their conversation.

Many Christians are not living up to God’s standard expected of them. This shortfall does not encourage unbelievers to follow the Christian way of life. As a Christian, you need to live as an ensample to people of the world; this is the only way you can influence and win souls for Christ.

Christians are salts and light to the world

The Bible says,

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matt.5:13-16)

Christians are the light and salt of the world; however, most Christians are not shining neither are they seasoning as expected.

Are there more virgin lands to discover on earth? Are there new places the gospel has not been preached? Or are there places to preach the gospel anew? What we need is to profess everywhere what we have confessed. If it must be meaningful to the unbelievers and to retain those that have believed. If Christianity must grow, Christians must follow apostolic doctrines.

Though certain changes (civilization, culture, custom, technology etc.) have occurred because the world is changing every day; however, the core believes, and principles of Christianity has not change. Truth will always be truth; Sin will always be sin; ungodliness cannot replace godliness; unholy living cannot replace holiness; neither can worldliness be the same as “thy will be done on earth as it is heaven”.

It is time for global revival

What we need now is revival for the resurgence and regeneration of moral and spiritual values that have deteriorated; thus, causing many social ills that drifted people away from reliance on God to self-independence. Christianity is now more inclining to ideology and social norms than being spiritual. This is having a negative effect on Christianity. Many Christians, especially, youths from Christian homes are sliding away from the faith. Why? Many so-called men of God in our churches today are “Mix-multitudes”. How? They polluted the word of God and they have turned their churches to social clubhouses where all kinds of sins and immoralities are accepted. They have turned the church of God to an avenue for making money and neglected the preaching of truth and holiness. They are populating their churches for their wallet instead of populating the Kingdom of God.

The need for revival is not new; it is a recurrent event from age to age at the beginning of every century. This is the time for it again.

The word of Isaiah to the children of Judah and Jerusalem in those days is applicable to this 21st century Christianity, it says, “Come now, and let us reason together…” (Is. 1:18). Christians must put away their self-created differences and be in one accord: rooted and grounded in the word of God. The time is ripe for another revival.

The world needs healing

The scripture states,

“He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions” (Ps.107:20).

The truth of the word of God has the solution to the problems in the world. The truth must be preached, starting from the church. Christians need to return to their God. If Christianity continues in this sluggish manner where truth and core principles are neglected, then they are losing the world to the opposition.

Nondenominational and non-sectarian revival is needed

The type of revival needed among Christians now should be nondenominational and non-sectarian, but a wholesome body of Christ. The scripture stated,

“Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many” (1Cor. 12:12-14).

There is the need for another “Great Revival” like that of the early 20th century. There is the need to spark for more power from above and a greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Every Christian should be intensely involved in this revival. Every Christian needs to study the Bible more than listening only to a Minister’s sermon. I am not saying you should not have a church where you worship or neglect the congregation of the children of God. But do not be deceived by some so-called false ministers that establishes today’s churches; falsely claiming that they have a calling.

However, the type of revival we need should promote nondenominational and non-sectarian Christianity.

Our Lord Jesus said,

“Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and a house divided against a house will fall” (Luke 11:17).

Many believers and potential believers have been lost to the opposition because they were tired of the division and hypocrisy going on among Christians. Are we not one in Christ? A branch of the one Olive tree? The greediness of our leaders is tearing us apart every day. Enemies of Christianity are happy that we are not united. Christians are to be one in the spirit, it is our duty to keep that unity.

Our way of life should reflect someone possessing the fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. (Gal. 5:22). These we must display while carrying out the great commission – preaching the gospel to the whole world.

Let us rekindle the flame of that great revival again. Together in Christ, we shall shake and revive the world from moral and spiritual decadence and save the world from the power of darkness and wickedness represented and seen among evil leaders in the society.

Let’s have a revival and let it begin within you.

Lawrence Abitogun (Elder) OR

Is there anything God cannot do?

God is still in the business of surprising human beings with good news. News not expected, but that which revives a person’s soul and spirit.

Life’s journey consists of ups and downs. It can be rosy or rough. Sometimes, you think you are on top of the world, then comes the down time. However, during your down time, you have to summon courage rather than being discouraged or quit. There are moments you have to move past your past and walk your way up and into the future.

Moreover, there are moments you have to keep moving past an unrealistic hope and move into the hope backed by faith in God. Jacob had moved past the hope of seeing Joseph again. Why? 

  • Joseph’s coat of many colors was soaked in blood and brought to Jacob to identify – an indication that Joseph had been killed by a wild beast.
  • It has been over 22 years before the news of Joseph being alive was brought to Jacob.
  • He had moved pass the hope of seeing Joseph again.
  • The report that Joseph was alive had not convinced Jacob not until he saw the carts which Joseph had sent to carry him

Many of us find ourselves in the situation of “hope against hope”; although, there may be hope of seeing a person not declared dead. In the case of Joseph, his cloth that was soaked in blood is an evidence that he was dead and would never be seen again.

Miraculous restoration

I have come to tell you that though you have lost hope in one thing or the other, you must hope in God to do something better than what you have lost. A dashed hope by your reasoning can still be revived and become a reality again if you transfer that lost hope to hope in God.

Hence, the good news came to Jacob that Joseph was still alive when all about Joseph was a closed chapter in the family. See how the scripture stated it,

“So they went up out of Egypt and came to their father Jacob in the land of Canaan. They told him, “Joseph is still alive! In fact, he is ruler of all Egypt.” Jacob was stunned; he did not believe them But when they told him everything Joseph had said to them, and when he saw the carts Joseph had sent to carry him back, the spirit of their father Jacob revived. (Gen. 45:25-27)

A hope becoming a reality is a soul and spirit reviver

Hope or hopefulness becoming a reality is a soul and spirit revival. Good news is a soul and spirit reviver that terminates the source and pains of sorrow in a person’s life. When your spirit and soul is revived, you are encouraged and energized to do what has been impossible for you to do.

The loss of a precious thing must not stop you from fulfilling your purpose of existence. Life continues. Every event is part of a passage of life.

God restores our losses

God is always in the business of restoring our losses, especially when we put our trust and hope in him. How God restores cannot be preempted by man. He makes impossibility to be possible, extraordinarily beyond imagination.

There is no way any person would have predicted to Jacob that he would see Joseph again, he would not believe. The report that Joseph was alive did not convince Jacob not until he saw the carts which Joseph had sent to carry him. Only God can do it. The Bible stated, “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me? (Jer. 32:27)

The joy of the Lord overwhelmed Jacob; the Bible stated that “Jacob was stunned; he did not believe them”. That is what happens when you suddenly hear good news unexpectedly. What does the good news bring? Joy.

Furthermore, the scripture stated,

“When the Lord brought back the captivity of Zion,
We were like those who dream.
Then our mouth was filled with laughter,
And our tongue with singing.
Then they said among the nations,
“The Lord has done great things for them.” (Ps. 126:1)

  • Who could ever believe that Sarah would bear a child to Abraham when every chance of her child bearing was dead? (Heb. 11:11)
  • To Job, God restored his losses to him in double folds. (Job 42:10)
  • Lazarus was raised up from grave four days after he had been dead. Imagine the joy that would fill the heart of Mary and Martha that day? (John 11)

There is nothing God cannot do

What is it that seems to be dead or about to die? What was that hope that you seem to have lost? What is that thing that is giving you pain in the heart, sorrow, fear, anxiety and worries? Is it a longing quest, unsuccessful exploration, barrenness, failure, sickness, disappointment? Or is it a lost hope of what a human being had written off that cannot be worked out anymore – failed interview, failed examination, loss of loved one, marital problem, problematic child? When it happens, what should you do ?

Hope in God for good news to revive your soul and spirit.


God Who revived the spirit and soul of Jacob when he heard the good news that Joseph was still living is still in the business of restoring our losses. You will hear good news that will revive your spirit and soul from Him today. You will receive the good news that will satisfy your longings in Jesus’ name.

By Lawrence Abitogun or christianedification .org

A closed mouth is a closed destiny

When life gets tough, strengthen yourself in the Lord – learn a lesson from Joseph’s journey of destiny – part 17

Ask or request something if perhaps it favors you.

A prophecy of doom was pronounced on Eli and his posterity. Eli said, “he is the Lord, let him do what seems good to Him” (1Sam.3:11-18). As close as Eli was with God, he did not plead with God to reverse the curse, but he settled with what God said. Eli closed his mouth, and his destiny was sealed!

To the contrary, When David was confronted with similar judgement, he cried out for mercy and got it! Hezekiah pleaded with God. God told him to put his house in order that he was going to die. God reversed it and added fifteen more years of life (2Ki. 20:1-6).

The thief on the cross during Jesus’ crucifixion said, “Lord, remember me when you get to Your Kingdom” (Luke 23:42-43). The Lord replied, “Assuredly, I say to you, today, you will be with Me in paradise”

Brethren, ask or request something if perhaps it favors you.

Joseph spoke and asked for a favor from the butler

Joseph asked for favor from the butler,

“But remember me when it is well with you, and please show kindness to me; make mention of me to Pharaoh and get me out of this house” (Gen.40:14). 

The Bible admonishes us, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you” (Matt. 7:7). The Bible did not state this statement for nothing. When and where you must request or ask for favor, do so without procrastination.

The Scripture states that,

Therefore, do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward” (Heb.10:35)

After the butler had been recalled serving Pharaoh, even though the Bible stated that the butler did not remember Joseph for two years, but the request Joseph made two years earlier resonated in the memory of the butler at the right time when the occasion arose.

request something when you can for your good advantage; however, the way you present you request also matters. The scripture states,

“Patience can persuade a prince,
            and soft speech can break bones. (Pro.25:15 NLT)

When you are seeking a favor, it must not be as if it is your right, but it must be asked softly with humility to receive attention with mercy. You never know, no matter the status of the person from whom you are seeking the favor, God will cause the person to favor you. The Bible stated,

“The king’s heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord;
             he guides it wherever he pleases” (Pro. 21:1)

God is no respecter of person; He has control over everything that He created.

Hence, at the end, the butler remembered Joseph and made mention of him before Pharaoh. If Joseph had not spoken and asked for that favor at the right time, the butler would probably not have remembered him, and Joseph would not have become the second in command to Pharaoh in Egypt.

How do you ask for favor?

  • Pray before you ask
  • Ask in good faith
  • Ask in sincerity of heart
  • Ask in humility
  • Ask without ulterior motive
  • Ask for a good cause
  • Ask for the things that burns in your heart for good.
  • Ask without fear or doubt

Many people have lost rewards because they have closed their mouths and have refused to speak, especially in areas of what could have benefited them. Why would they close their mouths when their situation would have been better if they have asked or talked to someone who could have helped them? Are they afraid of a superior helper or have they looked down on the helper as if “nothing good can come out of Nazareth”?

Are you afraid because of intimidation, or you do not know what and how to request something? Ask for Holy Spirit’s empowerment and just request what may benefit you, believing that God will intervene and grant you your desire if it’s in His will. You never know. Asking may be your responsibility to ask a helper that God has put in place to help you.

Brethren do not close you mouth when you can say what burdens you through prayer to God or when seeking help from another person.

When you close your mouth, it closes your destiny.

By Lawrence Abitogun OR christianedification .org

Troubles from a guilty conscience?

Yes, Joseph’s brothers were troubled from a guilty conscience

When life gets tough, strengthen yourself in the Lord – learn a lesson from Joseph’s journey of destiny – part 16

Many people do evil things, feeling they can get away with it. Later in life, evils boomerang and nemesis’ catch up; the consequences are regrettable for life. The guilt of the evil doing pricks their conscience if they live unrepented. Even for those who have repented from their evil acts, there is always that feeling wishing the evil deeds were never perpetrated.

Think before you do anything bad, or else, a guilty conscience will trouble you.

Some people committed the act of wickedness with the notion that their wickedness could never leak. However, when that wickedness turns out for good to their intended prey, they are short of breath and speech, peace departs from them. The evil that men do lives with them, after them and before them to judgment.

Joseph’s brothers sold him

Many people are like Joseph’s brothers who purposed to carry out an evil plot against him because of a lack of consideration and mercy for others (Gen. 37), caused by

  • Joseph’s Truthfulness.
  • He was favored above others by Jacob, their father
  • Separated from others with special garment
  • Joseph’s openness to tell his dream
  • Joseph’s destiny as revealed in his dream

Many in our society today would stop any opportunity that would make other people’s dream become a reality. However, no evil plan would stop God’s plan concerning anyone. Joseph’s brother’s evil turned out to be the path to Joseph’s realization of his dream – the manifestation of his star; the unavoidable way to his destiny; and the unstoppable plan of God concerning him.

The Bible says

“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy…”  (Jn. 10:10).

The quotation above is an example of the evil actions of Joseph’s brothers or people of like manner. Their intention was to kill Joseph, kill his dream, kill his destiny, and shut up his star. If this could happen among blood relations, it thus infers that more could happen in this present complex society of the world in this end time.

Guilty conscience hunt’s Joseph’s brothers

  • Before Joseph reveals his identity, his brothers blamed themselves for not being merciful to Joseph when he begged them (Gen 42:21). 
  • When Joseph revealed himself, his brothers were speechless because of their guilt (Gen 45:3).
  • After Joseph had forgiven them, they were not at ease after the death of their father (Gen. 50:15-17).
  • Joseph’s brothers had a new fear; they thought Joseph’s kindness to them was to please their father, and that he would now take revenge? A guilty conscience generates unnecessary speculations.

Consequences of a guilty conscience

There is nothing good derived from wickedness except a guilty conscience. We have all felt guilty of one act or the other at times. Guilty conscience causes, disharmony, lack of joy, lack of peace, fear, anxiety, condemnation, nightmares, low self-esteem, servitude, among others.

Freedom from guilty conscience

Our repentance from the evils that brought us into the guilt is the only action that can get us out of it. That guarantees us a new refreshing moment in the presence of the Lord.

 The Bible states,

“Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord”           (Acts 3:19).    

            “Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it” (Ps. 34:14).

This, we must do

Moreover, the Bible enjoins us to transform from our old behavior and embrace a new life in Christ

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Rom. 12:2).

As Christians, you must not plan evil against anyone, but embrace what is good; encouraging others to prosper in their goals and desires according to the will of God. You must not allow any evil thought to cause you to hate, envy, feel aggrieved, discriminate, alienate, conspire, feel jealous or plot evil against your fellow brothers and sisters. One of the above bad attitudes would cause you to embark on an evil act that would bring a regrettable guilty conscience in your life. Cleanse your conscience from evil thought that could generate an evil plot: We are our brother’s keeper and helper.


  • Pray that you will not lay your hand on anything that will bring a negative consequence upon your life now or in future.
  • Pray that God will deliver you from every guilty conscience.
  • Pray for grace not to embark on anything that will bring shame on you.
  • Pray that any evil meted against you, God will turn it for good in your favor
  • Pray that God will halt the activities of the evil ones that work against your progress, and turn it around to be the path to the realization of your dream, goal, embarkment and breakthrough
  • Pray for grace and mercy that God will reverse the evil judgment you inherited as result of your past evil, and that God will let you find grace in His sight.
  • Pray that those who are against you be confounded and speechless when they see God turn your situation around for good
  • Pray for grace to repent from all evil acts the devil is using you to commit.
  • Pray that you will not partake in any evil plot to work against the progress of others
  • Pray that the blood of Jesus will cleanse your heart from every pollution and evil thought that can generate an evil plot against anyone.
  • Pray for grace to love others as yourself.

Ask all in Jesus name.

By Lawrence Abitogun or

Does the fear of God really exalt a man?

The fear of God exalts a man (part 2),

contnue from part 1

The fear of God requires worshiping Him

The fear of God requires the children of God to worship Him for who He is apart from esteeming the word of God and being faithful to it. Worshiping God incorporates

  • Aweing Him
  • Reverencing Him
  • Adoring Him
  • Honoring Him
  • Worshiping Him
  • Thanking Him
  • Loving Him and other human beings
  • Forgiving others because He forgave you

What else can I mention? His creations and daily works upon our lives are miraculous. The gift of life accorded each one of us cannot be comprehended. The Bible states,

“Blessed be the Lord,
Who daily loads us with benefits” (Ps. 68:19)

Unfortunately, we all enjoy the goodness of His creations and works upon our lives to the extent that many often forget to fear Him. We forget to give Him His due honor and respect. We take His glory to be our achievement. Anyone that tends to abrogate God’s glory for selfish purpose does not fear God. Let me remind you, God does not share His glory with any human being or thing. His wrath can be frightening.

The scripture states, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Heb. 10:31)

While Daniel was in a strange land, he was surrounded by enemies who wanted to implicate him by passing a decree that would forbid Daniel from worshiping his God; the enemies trapped him by his faith. But Daniel worshiped and prayed to his God in the open. Not only that his God delivered him from the plot of his enemies, but his enemies were destroyed in his stead. The Bible stated that Daniel prospered under the rule of three different kings in the land of his captivity (Dan. 6:28): He prospered under Nebuchadnezzar, Darius, and Cyrus.

Therefore, in whatever situation we find ourselves, good or the contrary, let us worship Him for who He is; that is part of our fear of Him. Our exaltation is in His hand.

The Bible states further,

“For exaltation comes neither from the east
Nor from the west nor from the south.
But God is the Judge:
He puts down one,
And exalts another” (Ps. 75:6-7).

A God-fearing person will stay away from deceit.

Joseph’s brothers did not fear God; they deceived their father, Jacob. The scripture states,

Then they got Joseph’s robe, slaughtered a goat and dipped the robe in the blood. They took the ornate robe back to their father and said, “We found this. Examine it to see whether it is your son’s robe. “He recognized it and said, “It is my son’s robe! Some ferocious animal has devoured him. Joseph has surely been torn to pieces” (Gen. 37:31-33). They deceived their father,

 Deceit is the weapon that satan used to misinform and deceive Eve in the Garden of Eden. Since then, man has been using this weapon to deceive and cause havoc to other human beings. Most people have been victimized using this deadly weapon. Unbelievably, many Christians engaged in deceit today.

There are seven things that God hates; nearly all are rooted in the word deceit. They are.

  1. A proud look
  2. A lying tongue
  3. Hand that shed innocent blood
  4. A heart that devices wicked plans
  5. Feet that are swift in running to evil
  6. A false witness who speaks lies
  7. One who sows discord among brethren (Pro. 6: 16-19)

Any person that engages in any of the above is one of the worst enemies of God and therefore does not have the fear of God in him/her. When you claimed to have the fear of God in you, you must love God, and love your neighbor. That is a mark of respect for God and His word.

Many people are being deceived today because they hate what is true. When a person hates what is true, the person must prefer falsehood. Falsehood is substantiated by deceit. When it comes to the fear of God, you cannot be on the fence; you are either for the truth or for deceit. If you don’t obey the truth, then you will obey a lie.

Such is the case with Ahab and Jehoshaphat: Ahab rejected the word of the true prophet of God. Micaiah, because each time Ahab inquires a directive from the prophet, he wanted the prophet to prophesy in agreement with his evil agenda. Because Ahab rejected the word of Micaiah, a lying spirit deceived him leading to his destruction.

On the other hand, Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, is the opposite of Ahab. He seeks the truth and often worshiped God even while in danger. Ahab had invited Jehoshaphat to help him in war against his enemies. Customarily, during war at that time, the king is the main target. The party that kills the king of the other party has the victory. Deceitfully, Ahab had disguised by not putting on his royal apparel in the war front but had Jehoshaphat put on his. His intention was to have Jehoshaphat killed in the war. The Lord protected Jehoshaphat in the war, but Ahab was killed. God later exalted Jehoshaphat because he had put his trust in the Him (Read 2Chro. 18, key verses are in 18-22, 28-32).

If you see any Christian who engages in an act of deceit, beware of him/her. The Bible described them as having“lying lips and deceitful tongues”, it is an arrow to inflict evil

A Christian, who claims to fear God must not deceive; he/she,

  • Must not give false information
  •  Must not lie against others
  •  Must not deceive others
  •  Must not bear false witness
  •  Must not lead others to error
  •  Must not be a talebearer or gossip or backbite others
  •  Must not be an eye service etc.

Therefore, to be God fearing is to be truthful in all areas of your being, in thought, word and in deed. Joseph was a god-fearing man, God exalted him; but his brothers were full of deceit, God made them to serve Joseph.

“But God is the Judge: He puts down one and exalts another” (Ps. 75:7).

The fear of God exalts a man.

By Lawrence Abitogun or

Does the fear of God really exalt a man?

When life gets tough, strengthen yourself in the Lord – learn a lesson from Joseph’s journey of destiny – part 14

The fear of God exalts a man

There is a misconstruing of the meaning or interpretation of the statement THE FEAR OF GOD. Many people have been overwhelmed with fear to the extent of becoming entangled or enslaved oneself in fear. I have come to let you know that the fear of God has nothing to do with being frightening of God, fear of getting in trouble, fear of harm, fear of being punished or even, fear of death.

However, the fear of God means to reverence and respect God. You would not like to offend someone who loves you or someone you love. It is a fear that comes out of love for the Father of all earthly fathers and your love towards the Father who loves you more than your own earthly father. It is a respect for the Lord our creator whom we offended every day and never ceases to forgive us. Why should we not fear to offend such benevolence God? You want to fear Him so that you will continue to enjoy His goodness for your life.

“If You Lord should mark iniquities o Lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with You, that You may be feared” (Ps. 130:3-4).

How do we fear God 

We fear God when we His children submit totally to His will, by observing, respecting, and doing all that is written in the word of God:

  • obeying His commandments,
  • departing from all forms of evil 
  • doing according to His will.
  • walk in the spirit (walking in His ways) and
  • allowing Him to dictate the path we should follow in life.

The reason we need to diligently adhere to the above requirements is that He is our creator and the creator of the universe where we exist. Since He is the supreme ruler over all that exists, our fear of Him is to surrender our total being to Him.

Joseph refused the offer of fornication with his master’s wife; he knew his master would not know if he consented to his mistress’ request.

However, he realized that even though his master was not around, an Eye that sees the whole universe is watching him. The invisible eye of the omniscient and omnipresent God is watching him. Joseph sees this offense as not against his master but against God (Gen. 39).

 On another occasion, Joseph said to his brothers before he revealed himself to them “Do this and you will live, for I fear God” (Gen. 42:18). Note, nothing is hidden from the Lord God who loves us and at the same time, He has judgment in his hand (2Cor. 5:10).

Any evil meted out for another human being shows lack of love and disrespect and this is against the will of God. Anything against the will of God is an offense against God. Hence Joseph said, “How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?” (Gen.39:9). No wonder, the Lord was with Joseph.

The fear of God requires us to give high regard for the word of God

 David, when he had the opportunity to kill his greatest enemy, King Saul, he refused to do it for conscience’s sake. He had a high regard for the Lord’s anointed king, and would not want to disrespect God’s representative, even though, Saul was seeking to take David’s life (1Sam. 24:4-7; 26:9). But David knew that vengeance belongs to God and not to man and would not avenge for himself. The scripture stated,

“Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone.If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord…Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Rom. 12:17-21)

He respected the word of God. Hence, David was more preferred as king than Saul.

Faithfulness is required of every human being as a mark of fear of God

We are steward to one thing or the other in this world. No one is sovereign; we are responsible to one another. God expects us to be faithful in our responsibilities. Faithfulness in whatever position you find yourself amounts to doing your work in the fear God.

  • The President or Prime Minister is a steward to his country
  • The Governor is a steward to his state
  • The chairman or mayor of locality is a steward to his locality
  • The church overseer is a steward of God over His congregation
  • A worker is a steward to his/her employer
  • Subordinates are stewards to their superiors

All in all, human beings are a steward to the Almighty God; the only way we can fear Him is to be faithful in whatever is committed to our care, knowing, and doing all things in the will of God as we have seen in the life of Joseph and David. The empowering presence of God in our lives helps us to overcome sin and resist temptation. If we yield our heart to the directive of the Holy Spirit. Hence, Joseph and David were exalted

  • Joseph became the prime Minister in a foreign land of Egypt (Gen. 41: 37-45)
  • David became the greatest earthly human King 

Be you a president of a country or the lowest of human status; discharge your duty in the fear of God.

The fear of God exalts a man.

To be continued

By Lawrence Abitogun For more articles, go to,

If God delivers your adversary/enemy into hand, what will you do?

If God delivers your adversary or your enemy into your hand today, what will you do? Will you avenge or allow God to avenge on your behalf? Before you answer the questions, read the following passages from the Bible; Gen. 45:3-11; 1Sam. 24:1-7, 26:5-12.

God delivers Joseph’s enemies (dream and destiny killers) into his hand, what did he do?

 Firstly, in one of those passages, Joseph’s brothers (his enemies, his dreams killers) who sold him to the Ishmaelite 22 years earlier, now appeared before Joseph prostrating, trying to buy food in Egypt where Joseph was in charge. Joseph recognized them, but his brothers did not recognize him. What would you do if you were to be Joseph?

Joseph’s brothers never knew that one day they would come across Joseph, but 22 years later they saw him. Wicked people are sometimes debased to forget that nemesis would catch up one day. In as much a person is still alive, do not write off that person. There is hope for a person who is alive even when people think his/her situation is hopeless.

Nemesis will surely catch up

The evil that men did kept hunting them as long as they did not change. It is true that law of karma is continual even to the present age. The Bible states that you will reap whatever you sow, you will reap the consequence of your past deed, good or bad.

“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked.

for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap” (Gal.6:7)

Immediately Joseph accused his brothers of being spies, the first thought that came across their minds was the guilt of the evil they committed 22 years back: The guilt of murder, the guilt of selling their brother, and the guilt of telling lie to their father that they could not find Joseph.

Now, here you are, if you were to be Joseph, what would you do? Would you avenge immediately by exercising the power invested in you to rule over Egypt and put them to life imprisonment or have them executed just as they planned against Joseph in the past? Humanly speaking, you would probably do the later.

But as a Christian, you cannot do that. Don’t you know that unforgiving is a sin, a stronghold and a barrier to breakthrough/freedom? When you forgive, every obstacle in the way of your destiny is removed.

God delivers David’s adversary into his hand, what did he do?

Secondly, in the other passage, God delivered Saul into the hand of David on two different occasions; an opportunity for David to kill Saul (his adversary) and stop him from pursuing him once and for all. Without much thought, if you were to be David, your wish would probably be to eliminate Saul. But David handed the situation over to God to take control, David said that he would not lay his hand on God’s anointed (1Sam. 24:6). As Christians, we need to emulate this attitude by allowing God to avenge on our behalf.

Of all the enemies that revolted against David besides those he killed at war, David did not kill any of his adversaries; however, all of them pulled the trigger for their own death. Saul died in war; Ahithophel committed suicide; Absalom died in his own revolt etc.

No wonder, the Bible called David “a man after the heart of God” (Acts 13:22) because he does the will of God always. God established David and gave him rest roundabout from his enemies, because he depends on God and allow God to take over his battle.

Vengeance belongs to God

God is not interested in the death of any sinner but for him/her to repent. Joseph and David knew this principle that vengeance belongs to God (Rom, 12:19) and that God will fight for them when they allow Him to take control. God causes your enemy/adversary to embark on their own suicide mission (Duet. 32:35).

The scripture states,

“If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat;
And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink;
For so you will heap coals of fire on his head,
And the Lord will reward you” (Pro 25:22; Rom. 12:20).

Do you want to enjoy the peace of God? Do you want to be established? Do you want to have rest roundabout from your enemies? Do you want your fear to be upon your enemies? Depend on God to avenge for you. All you must do is to obey whatever the word of God says. Be wise and be sensitive; yield to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

Even though Joseph dribbled his brothers a little before revealing himself to them, it was not his intention to avenge. How do I know? The Bible stated,

“And Joseph said to his brothers, “Please come near to me.” So they came near. Then he said: “I am Joseph your brother, whom you sold into Egypt.But now, do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life” (Gen 45:4-5) 

God sees beyond our present and He knows the intent of man. Your attitude to life matters. God sees, knows our thought and what we can do. He knew that Joseph would never pay evil for evil. No wonder God made Joseph to be a fore runner for his father and brothers, to deliver them from impended famine.

If one of Joseph’s brothers were in the position of Joseph in Egypt, and had been sold to slavery years back, he would have probably revenge by killing all his siblings. But for the sake of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, God saw Joseph as the right person to be Governor in Egypt so that God could use him to keep His promise. This was the same thing we saw in Jesus Who came into this world ahead of the kingdom of God to save us.

What is in your heart?

What did God see in your heart? You can begin to learn to display a right attitude that will work in your favor. It is not for you to avenge for yourself, that is what God promise to do for you. “He who keeps you will never sleep nor slumber” the scripture states, ‘Do not say, “I will recompense evil”; Wait for the Lord, and He will save you. (Pro.20:22)

If you want God to exalt you, do not kill your enemy; do not wish him/her any calamity, but pray for him/her to see the goodness of God manifesting in your life. Maybe, he/she will repent from his/her evil way and become a child of God like you, seeking to do the will of God

I am asking you again, what would you do if God delivers your enemy/adversary into your hand today?

Let God take over your situation,


  • Pray that God will grant you a forgiving spirit to forgive your enemies/adversaries
  • Pray that God will grant you the grace to offload every stronghold of resentment and unforgiving from your heart
  • Pray for the spirit of obedience for God to avenge on your behalf
  • Pray for God to manifest His promise for your life so that your enemy will see the glory for God upon your life.
  • Pray, whether the devil likes it or not the purpose of God, your dream, and your goal, must come to pass.
  • Pray that your enemy/adversary will prostrate before you.

Pray that God in His infinite mercy will not forsake you, but to lead you to a higher ground.

By Lawrence Abitogun

How do you actualize your hope?

Diligence helps you to grow spiritually and to actualize your hope

Diligence is one of the key ingredients for success and it is important for victory in the challenges of life. You need it to empower you spiritually and to help you reach a new level of spiritual and professional height. You need to stay totally committed and focus on your goal, dream, undertaking or whatever your intent. This is possible through the grace that you received through Christ. The Bible stated concerning,

“For when God made a promise to Abraham, because He could swear by no one greater, He swore by Himself, saying, “Surely blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply you.” And so, after he had patiently endured (Hope), he obtained the promise” (Heb. 6:13-15 NKJV).

The journey to stardom is not a day journey, but it takes diligence to walk through and arrive at the top. Before Joseph rose to the second in command in Egypt, it took Joseph 13 years of painstaking effort to get there. That 13 years journey was not rosy, but it was full of challenges. The success of that journey would only be accomplished by a person who is favored by God and man. The scripture states,

“When a man’s ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him”. (Pro.16:7 NKJV)

What is diligence?

The definition of diligence in the dictionary states, “Careful and persistent work or effort; Hard working and done with painstaking effort”. The inference from the above is that,

  • A person who gives it all that it takes to get things done on deadline
  • A person who does things thoroughly and well, not shoddily like a lazy person

This is true to some extent, why? Some people put in hard work and they are careful, yet, they don’t have good results. As a Christian, I want you to add faith in God to the dictionary meaning of the word. Faith assures spiritual and physical success in your undertakings.

How does one become diligent?

Diligence is a learned skill and not a gift. Diligence helps to develop a gift. In whatever you undertake, consistent and persistent practicing helps you to be perfect and become a master in that undertaking. Diligence can be developed – it helps to overcome procrastination, bad time management and laziness.

You need to determine and then discipline yourself along the way in every action you take toward success. Keep working hard, in due time, it becomes a habit; then, it will lead you to becoming more responsible. The scripture states,

“And let us not grow weary while doing good (diligent), for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart”. (Gal. 6:9 NKJV)

Signs of a diligent person

When one considers every trouble that Joseph went through in the journey of his destiny and how he overcame all, it takes some painstaking effort and focus to overcome those troubles.

A person who is diligent

  • Rises early
  • Puts God first before any activity – word and prayer
  • Engages in any type of activity that can activate the body
  • Sets his/her goals for the day in the order of priority
  • inhibits bad thoughts that can hider or slow down his/her day’s activities
  • Does not procrastinate on doing things when the opportunity arises – it causes delay or halts activities
  • Does not give sleep a chance when it is not time to sleep; however, there is need to rest.
  • Needs to focus and avoid distraction
  • Finishes task before pleasure
  • Spends time judiciously. Time is precious
  • Works to develop his/her God-given gift or interest.
  • Whatever he/she does is done well.

Can we deduce that these signs are revealed in the life of Joseph? Definitely. If not, Potiphar would not have handed over his house into Joseph’s hand, the jailor would not have put Joseph in charge of the prisoners, and Pharaoh would not have put the economy of Egypt under Joseph’s control. No reasonable person would hand over such an enormous task to a lazy man or someone who procrastinates and would not deliver on time.

The scripture states,

“The hand of the diligent will rule,
But the lazy man will be put to forced labor”. (Pro. 12:24 NKJV)

The journey of destiny is like a man who is seeking honey from the inside of a rock. He must sharpen his axe well; he must not look at the bruised palm of his hands while striking the rock; he must not groan of the pains received because of the bruises; and he must be focused and have faith in God. Finally, after enduring through the rigorous labor and having a breakthrough into the rock and to the beehives, there lies awaiting your “sweetness”.

The above scenario typifies two things,

  • It illustrates the course of every man on earth, the pursuit of his vision, goal or his undertakings. His/her aim is to get better day by day. The way to move higher is not that snappy. It requires diligence – spiritual, mental, and physical effort. Otherwise, his/her achievement will be unrighteous or illegitimate. You must work hard to overcome challenges that stand in your way to stardom. What a person works for and acquires righteously will definitely last.
  • A Christian’s journey on earth; how to remain a sanctified born-again Christian until the final entrance into heaven.

Joseph was diligent, that helped him to develop his gift of dreams and interpretation which eventually brought him before Pharaoh. The Bible states, “A man’s gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men” (Pro. 18:16 NKJV). This is true, however, only when you develop it by being diligent.

Heaven is a prepared place for those that are prepared. Likewise, success is like a flying scroll, and it descends on those that deserve it. As a Christian, be diligent spiritually, mentally, and physically to break through barriers that stand in the way of your success.

By Lawrence Abitogun, OR